Productive electricity and non-electricity consumption effects on economic growth: A Latin America analysis

Autores: Pablo-Romero, M.P.; Pozo-Barajas, R. and Washburn, C.

Datos de publicación: Energy, 2024, vol.305, pp. 132281.


Electrification is a key pillar in energy transformation to reduce emissions. However, it may also have consequences on production. This study analyzes the effect of using electricity and non-electricity energy sources on production growth. An extended neoclassical production function, with the two uses of energy (electricity and non-electricity), is estimated for 17 Latin American countries from 1990 to 2019 and, for subsamples, based on the level of production per persons employed. The study is performed applying the cross-sectionally augmented, autoregressive distributed lag modeling approach and a non-parametric time-varying coefficients model. The parametric results indicate that the effect of both sources of energy on production are positive and significant. However, the production elasticity with respect to non-electricity consumption is higher than that with respect to electricity consumption. Only in countries with the lowest production levels could electrification be neutral. The non-parametric results show that the effect of non-electricity consumption is decreasing slightly over the period, while the effect of electricity use is increasing slightly, with a tendency towards stabilization at the end of the period. Nevertheless, these changes have been small.


  • Electricity use
  • Non-electricity use
  • Economic growth
  • Energy transition
  • Latin America

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